By: Nikkia Adolphe, PR Director

For as long as I can remember, affirmations have been a huge part of my growing up from a young girl to a woman. I’ve always thought of these positive, self-empowering quotes as life mantras that affirmed desired actions and goals in my life – whether it was short or long term.  Two of my favorite affirmations, in particular, have always stuck with me.

  • Your attitude determines your altitude.
  • Live a creative life full of passion and purpose.

These assertions have driven me throughout my career as a PR and Communications professional, and if there’s anything I have learned about being successful in this industry, it is that passion and perspective go hand in hand when navigating a career in PR.

Where There’s Passion, There’s Fire

Like the instant connection felt when you first fall in love, a key ingredient that ignites that fire is passion and attraction for that significant other. This also holds true when pursuing a career in PR and Communications. Are you a zealous writer? Do you have a keen interest in building trusted, meaningful relationships? Do you easily gravitate to socially-inclined environments? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself in deciding whether a career in PR and Communications is right for you.  As fast-paced and challenging some days can be, it is a multitalented career path where you can match your passion for words, a knack for relationship-building and being a social butterfly.

Perspective Will Take You Further Than Skillset

As many seasoned PR professionals would attest to, your perspective – or attitude – determines the state of the world you live in. At the foundation for every success (and failure) you encounter is your perspective. Thoughts become things, or better yet actions that resonate throughout your daily life, and this is especially true when routing through day-to-day projects as a PR professional. Maybe that incredible story idea you pitched to the media ended up hitting a dead-end, or your client decides to cancel that event you’ve been working so hard (and so long) to curate. Even when things don’t work out as planned, keeping a positive attitude and turning those disappointments into opportunities will set you apart from being dynamic opposed to mediocre in the long haul.

A Career Choice in PR is a Lifestyle

While passion and perspective are both key characteristics to succeed in PR, the reality is that this career choice isn’t for the clock watcher or for the individual who has a 9 to 5 mindset. Being in the business of PR is a lifestyle and not for the faint of heart; it’s a fast-paced industry where no two days are alike, your brain is constantly moving (sometimes at midnight or the crack of dawn), and socializing is second-nature. Change is constant; such is life, and navigating the PR workplace carries those very same traits.

When considering a career in PR, ask yourself: Do I embody passion, a positive perspective and the thrill of a challenging yet rewarding lifestyle that PR holds? Saying yes to these answers will determine if you can and will become your ‘best self’ as a PR and Communications professional.